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Our People

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We are a group of individuals who have come together with the common values of Freedom, Sustainability, and Consciousness. The shared importance of these core aspects of being allows us to live as a unit, participating as individuals, and yet working with parallel purpose and mutually beneficial inspiration. It is thereby easy and natural that we achieve common goals in both tangible and intangible aspects of reality, without having to “work” or to do anything we are not truly interested in doing.

Here in The Garden of Eden, we honor the balance and relationship of Freedom and Responsibility, as that applies to each of us as individuals and as it affects group dynamics. When living connected, freely, and responsibly, it is easy and natural to see how that which benefits one also benefits the whole group and vice versa, and also how that which is to the detriment of one is also to the detriment of the whole group. It is also easy and natural to see how each person brings a unique set of perspectives, talents, abilities, and inspirations to the table, and when each person is given the freedom and responsibility to flourish, the group as a whole benefits from the complementary and synergistic dynamics that naturally evolve.

Our vision for the expansion of The Garden of Eden is to allow a community to grow, as individuals who share our values and inspirations are drawn to participate and find fulfillment and purpose in investing and applying themselves to this community. In the New Paradigm, life is meant to be easy, enjoyable, and abundant, and community is a key aspect of that as it plays out among us. Human beings are social animals by nature and thrive best in environments where the social element is incorporated and honored at a foundational level. When you have a group of people living together with common values and goals, it is incredibly easy for every task and need to be met simply by everyone doing exactly what they love to do.  

Through the increasing value brought by each individual, this community shall be activated to a high degree of thrival not only capable of fully supporting and sustaining all here, but of providing a rich and fulfilling experience of life. We are inspired to create new communities in other locations that are also based on the core values that are the foundation for our life here and now! Read more about Eden 2.0.

Living in Community

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Community Founder and director Quinn Eaker is a lifelong student and advocate of natural health. He is the author of Full Spectrum Health.

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He is quickly becoming a well known icon for freedom, sustainability and empowerment, having spoken on dozens of local, national and international tv and radio shows and conferences including the Ron Paul Show, Alex Jones’ Infowars and the Libertarian State Party Convention broadcast 2015.

He has been the featured as the cover story of the local Dallas Observer twice, and has spoken at dozens of local, regional and international festivals and public events including the I AM Yoga, Art & Music Festival Tulsa of OK, Blisstonia, Head for the Hills, and Art Outside Festivals of TX, and Bushweek Festival & Australian Unschooling Conference of Australia.

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Quinn is an extraordinary man of great insight, intellect and inspiration. His life itself IS his work, the embodiment and manifestation of his values- freedom, authenticity, sustainability, integrity, responsibility and family, to name a few. He is an artist of LIVING. He lives true to his heart, his values and his morals, with great consideration, consciousness and conviction. 



The Garden of Eden EcoVillage and all its brands and programs have been birthed from his vision, passion and insight. It is through his guiding sight and clear perception that this community and its inhabitants have grown and evolved. Through his example and leadership, a high standard of living in honor, integrity, and responsibility are the blessings and the masters of the inhabitants of this small community. 

With unwavering dedication to his values, Quinn is passionately and purposefully living out his own dream of living life FREELY and FULLY with the suppressed and conditioned masses, and he willingly shares it all with anyone who is ready. 

Although Quinn is the spiritual father of the Garden of Eden and its inhabitants, he is most invested in and close with his three children, QiQi, Noki, and Qinoku. He was the one to deliver and receive them at their births, and daily he attends to their development and wellbeing.

Quinn's History

As a youth, Quinn was a sickly boy, a slave to his fears, impulses, weakness and conditioning, who found nothing in this world to admire or strive for, only disappointment and despair. There was no livelihood, no relationship, no occupation at all that appeared to have any real truth, depth or value among all that he had seen. He wished that he would either find or make something better than everything he had witnesses so far, or to live no more. 


At seventeen he found a glimpse of hope and poured all his energy into that ray of light, channelling all of his energy into spirituality. Although he was at the time living in Hollywood and working as a model, he spent all his free time in meditation, contemplation and study of his spirituality. He was gifted with the fulfillment of his wish, and experienced a full spiritual awakening, a moment of total oneness with all, pure beingness, pure love, pure bliss. He then spent the next 5 years primarily in meditation and self reflection, replacing his old paradigm conditioning of fear based living, and integrating this new level of spiritual awareness into every nook and cranny of his being.

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In 2008, Quinn began speaking and consulting on a wide range of topics, but most especially sustainability, health, parenting, relationships and business. Since then he has been a presenter at the Rethinking Everything Conference of Dallas TX, the Australian Unschooling Conference, The I AM Festival of Tulsa OK, The Art Outside Festival of TX, Burning Man of NV, SteemFest in Portugal, Crypto-Con in San Diego, and more. He has hosted many dozens of workshops and lectures at the Garden of Eden from 2010 until the present, and continues to offer classes and consulting. 

In 2009 he and Shellie began fertilizing the soil that would become the Garden of Eden.  The two plus years that they spent in intimate communion were so fulfilling that Shellie was inspired to gift to Quinn the full control and rights to the land known as the Garden of Eden so that he could continue to fulfill his dream of creating an ecovillage. 

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Shellie is a truly exceptional human being,  an inspiration and a leader by her example of how loving, caring, nurturing, courageous, strong and beautiful a woman can be. Her feminine nature is ever soft and gracious, supportive and playful. 

She is  vibrantly alive, seeming at times to have almost super human strength and stamina, especially considering her petite stature and fifty plus years of living in her current body. She regularly outpaces just about everyone else here, often the first to rise, the last to retire, and the most focused for the most time in between. She is likely the healthiest person of her age that you have ever met, and she does it all with no formula or rules, just tuning in to her own body and honoring her feelings.  It is easy to see that her spirit is well too, as Shellie is ever delightful and gay, easy to incite to a game or a song as she works, and always ready to support anyone who asks from their heart. 

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Shellie IS an artist, through and through. Viewing life through her artist's eye, every nook and cranny of reality offers an opportunity to recognize beauty, and potentially capture it on camera too. Her photographs are just a glimpse into the unique filter of beauty that she is able to apply to life, a master of finding beauty in anything. 

With her daily investment of energy and attention, Shellie is handcrafting her own paradise on earth, one masterpiece at a time. From the food she prepares, to the shed she organizes, to the henna art she draw on someone's body, everything Shellie makes is beautiful. All over Eden, her magic is apparent, from the artistic trellises, to the grapevine covered outdoor shower, to the lovely way she styles herself. 

A radiant beam of light and love, Shellie is easy to feel good around. Her very nature is naturally supportive and playful, making her an easy conversationalist and a great listener. And in truth, Shellie is always listening with her heart. As an intuitive and deeply soulful being, Shellie feels her feelings deeply and passionately, and her path is daily guided by her feelings. 

A Lion of a Lamb

Her courageousness of heart has allowed her to walk a road less traveled, as she has consistently chosen to do what she feels is the path of love, even against the grain of society's values and norms. Despite her traditional, structured upbringing, she chose to unschool her two children, with little support from family or mainstream culture. She also boldly donated her home and her land to be the Garden of Eden, inspired by the clarity and vibrance of Quinn's vision and his daily embodiment of values they both share. She has stood up to the City of Arlington in her rights to her property, and continues to battle for her freedom in the courts. 

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This tall glass of water is a delightful and quirky blend of urban funk and eastern bliss, with a dash of librarian (thanks to her mama).

Sara has a wide skill set, adept in photography, writing, and editing. She likes to get down to biznass and gets shit done fast - it often seems like magic that she has already accomplished her task and moved on to the next one before others are halfway through the first. 

Sara is a fun and grounded teacher of yoga, as well as a Reiki master. She is also an artist of freestyle poetry flow, able to come up with enlightening and witty rhymes off the cuff, with a special skill for cussing with style. 

She has an easy and yet focused nature, and a great sense of humor. Her work on our newsletters and blogs are evident of her comical abilities, and often have the Eden Knights rolling and in tears when reviewing her drafts. 

Her hobbies include money makin, money money makin, super disco disco breakin, and carrying Shellie on her shoulders.

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