Nascent Iodine
Each 0.5 oz dropper bottle of our Nascent Iodine contains 750 drops, over a year's supply when taken at the recommended daily dose of at least 1-2 drops on the skin! Each drop contains 400 mcg of iodine.
Nascent Iodine
Each 0.5 oz dropper bottle of our Nascent Iodine contains 750 drops, over a year's supply when taken at the recommended daily dose of at least 1-2 drops on the skin! Each drop contains 400 mcg of iodine.
We have dedicated our lives to providing solutions and education for over 15 years. For this reason, we invested hundreds and hundreds of hours in building this very informative website to make as much knowledge available to as many people as we can for free, all day, every day, so
Here's what you need to know about
Nascent Iodine:
The importance of iodine cannot be overstated!
EVERY cell in the body uses iodine as a micronutrient.
regulates nutrient uptake and waste expulsion,
regulates metabolism,
regulates nutrient uptake and waste expulsion,
regulates metabolism,
balances the endocrine system,
detoxes heavy metals,
balances the endocrine system,
detoxes heavy metals,
The 53rd element on the periodic table
regulates nutrient uptake and waste expulsion,
regulates metabolism,
balances the endocrine system,
detoxes heavy metals,
AND protects against radiation!
Thus, getting enough iodine is foundational to health!
AND protects against radiation!
Thus, getting enough iodine is foundational to health!
Benefits of Nascent Iodine:
- Healthy thyroid and endocrine function
- Regulates metabolism
- Boosts energy levels
- Fights infection
- Aids in regulating blood sugar
- Reduces body odors
- Improves cognitive performance
- Kills parasites, bacteria, mold, yeast, protozoa, viruses - essentially all pathogens including malaria, E. coli, and Staphylococcus
- Necessary for children, pregnant, and nursing women for proper brain development of the child
- Normal immune function
- Detoxes heavy metals
- Required for all chemical reactions in the body
- Purifies water
Benefits of Nascent Iodine:
- Healthy thyroid and endocrine function
- Regulates metabolism
- Boosts energy levels
- Fights infection
- Aids in regulating blood sugar
- Reduces body odors
- Improves cognitive performance
- Kills parasites, bacteria, mold, yeast, protozoa, viruses - essentially all pathogens including malaria, E. coli, and Staphylococcus
- Necessary for children, pregnant, and nursing women for proper brain development of the child
- Necessary for normal immune function
- Detoxes heavy metals
- Required for all chemical reactions in the body
- Purifies water
Nascent Iodine Remedies or Improves:
- Autism
- Atherosclerosis
- Breast Diseases
- Dupuytren’s Contracture
- Excess Mucous Production
- Fatigue
- Fibrocystic Breasts
- Goiter
- Hemorrhoids
- Headaches and Migraines
- Hypertension
- Infections
- Keloids
- Liver Diseases
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Ovarian Disease including PCOS
- Parotid Duct Stones
- Peyronie’s
- Prostate Disorders
- Sebaceous Cysts
- Thyroid Disorders
- Vaginal Infections
Nascent Iodine Remedies or Improves:
- Autism
- Atherosclerosis
- Breast Diseases
- Dupuytren’s Contracture
- Excess Mucous Production
- Fatigue
- Fibrocystic Breasts
- Goiter
- Hemorrhoids
- Headaches and Migraines
- Hypertension
- Infections
- Keloids
- Liver Diseases
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Ovarian Disease including PCOS
- Parotid Duct Stones
- Peyronie’s
- Prostate Disorders
- Sebaceous Cysts
- Thyroid Disorders
- Vaginal Infections
Iodine is a required nutrient.
Humans are supposed to consume it every day!
However, it is not readily available in our food supply any more, because modern agricultural practices have stripped the soil of essential nutrients.
The FDA's recommended daily allowance (RDA) for iodine is 150 mcg/day for adults.
One drop of our Nascent Iodine contains 400 mcg!
Why 400 mcg??
Given that most people are severely iodine deficient, the RDA of 150 mcg is laughably low. That is the bare minimum required to prevent goiter, not the optimal level to support thriving health!!
Dr. Guy A. Abraham, one of the world's leading experts on iodine, recommends doses around 2 mg and up per day.
Our research shows, thus we tend to agree, that higher doses of iodine can benefit most people most significantly.
For many people, working their way up to a higher dose by taking more frequent, lower doses is more beneficial than mega dosing at once.
A mind-boggling 95% of Americans are deficient in iodine!
Considering that the element is required by every hormone receptor in every cell of the body, it's not surprising our culture is ravaged by metabolic disorders like cancer and diabetes.
Lack of iodine is the leading cause of brain damage in childhood - and it is completely preventable through responsible choices that may include supplementation.
Unfortunately, our food supply is no longer sufficient to provide optimal levels of iodine for thrival.
Foods that were once decent sources of iodine like shrimp, strawberries, and potatoes are now so contaminated that the poisons outweigh the small benefits you used to get.
The ocean is heavily, heavily polluted, so shellfish and even seaweeds are not reliable sources of iodine anymore. Modern farming practices - including the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, etc. - strip the soil of iodine on land.
FYI, iodized salt is a huge misconception - it is NOT a healthy form of iodine AND it is treated with chemicals that are actually harmful!
Additionally, we are barraged by a toxic load of chemicals on a daily basis. Goitrogens are substances that interfere with hormone production in the thyroid gland, and they are rampant in our environment. Not to mention 5G and radiation is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid altogether!
The Reality of This Toxic & Polluted World
We are under constant chemical bombardment from our poisoned air, water, food, and pharmaceutical supply, putting more stress on the nutritionally depleted human organism than ever before.
Here are a handful of the toxic culprits that strain and drain health:
Bromine is the 35th element on the periodic table. In reacts with all metals to form bromide. Because they are both halogens, bromine competes with iodine receptor cells in the thyroid gland. Ingesting bromide lowers your body's ability to absorb and utilize iodine.
Bromide is found in the pesticide methyl bromide. Under the Montreal Protocol, 160 countries recognized methyl bromide as an ozone-depleting substance, with many countries agreeing to ban it. The EPA passed regulation to end production and importation by 2001, yet 375 metric tons are still legally used each year on US crops (mostly strawberries in northern California).
Potassium bromate is added to flour to add color and strengthen to dough, allowing it to rise higher. It's present in virtually all commercial bakery products.
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is added to sports drinks and sodas to suspend the flavoring in liquid. The emulsifier is in about 10% of the soda supply.
Small amounts of chlorine and chloride are required by the body, but these are toxic in large amounts. It has been linked to birth defects, cancer, reproductive disorders, stillbirth, and immune system breakdown. It also displaces iodine in the thyroid gland. Chlorinated pools and hot tubs are a source of exposure as well. Perchlorate is an environmental toxin originally developed for rocket fuels that now pollutes ground water and food supplies.
Diets high in table salt - AKA sodium chloride - reduce the body's ability to absorb iodine. The iodine added to table salt is not the form easily assimilated by the body. Unlike table salt, unprocessed sea salts, including Celtic and Himalayan salts are not denatured by heating nor are they bleached using toxic chemicals, plus they contain a full spectrum of natural minerals.
Nascent Iodine is a readily assimilable, safe form of iodine that is vastly superior to the iodine found in common iodized table salt. It also provides much higher levels of iodine than natural, unprocessed sea salts. AND it kicks poisonous chemicals out of your cells!
FYI, 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is an excellent, healthy, economical, and effective alternative for treating your pool and/or hot tub with toxic chlorine! Read more about it HERE.
Fluoride is a mutagen--a substance that causes genetic damage. It collects in the pineal gland, which is responsible for melatonin production, regulating puberty, and protecting the body from free radicals.
Fluoride is added to municipal water supplies and is widely utilized in dental products. When fluoride is added to the water supply, it winds up in processed beverages and food.
Nascent Iodine can remove all of these (and more!) harmful chemicals from the body, AND protect it against future exposure!

Nascent Iodine encourages the body to purge bromine, chlorine, and fluoride storages, as well as the heavy metals mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum, AND protects against these chemicals' harmful effects.
Bromide and fluoride are not removed by any other known chelator or detoxifying technique.
Further, Nascent Iodine protects against radiation exposure and counteracts radiation damage.
During a nuclear disaster such as Fukushima, large amounts of radioactive iodine (I-131) are released into the environment.
Supplementing with Nascent Iodine can effectively "saturate" the thyroid so it cannot uptake the harmful form if radiation exposure does occur.
Maximize Thyroid Function
The thyroid gland at the base of the throat is the metabolism control center. Iodine is foundational to the thyroid's production of the hormones T3 and T4.
Together, these hormones balance the body's temperature, heart rate, metabolism, and growth.
Disturbances in iodine levels can cause hyperthyroidism (overactive hormone production), hypothyroidism (underactive hormone production), and/or goiter.
Goiter, or enlargement of the thyroid gland, is a reversible condition caused by iodine deficiency.
Goiter instance, AKA iodine deficiency, is correlated with instance and mortality of cancers, especially of the stomach. Iodine deficiency is a known cause of breast cancer and is associated with liver and prostrate cancers.
Iodine balances the thyroid gland to homeostasis, thus aligning the endocrine system and body as a whole to create and utilize energy efficiently and maintain thriving health.
Be aware that iodized salt, AKA common table salt, is NOT a healthy source of iodine!
A terrible misconception is that this form of salt is manufactured specifically to prevent goiter, when in reality it actually contains goitrogenic chemicals that interrupt proper thyroid function. The world is toxic on many levels!
First, it actually contains iodiDe (with a "D"!), not iodiNe with an "N" - which is the form your body actually needs. Secondly, it is processed with chemicals that are actually harmful to health, like chlorine.
Now, we love salt and don't want to give it up, and we are all about solutions!
So not only do we offer Nascent Iodine (which arguably might be the most important supplement we carry) to purge and protect your body from harmful chemical exposure (such as those found in iodized salt!) amongst many other health benefits, but we also carry Himalayan pink salt as well as sea salt to provide delicious, nutritious, healthful alternatives to the deception that is poisonous iodized table salt.
Dosage Info
Our Nascent Iodine is the highest quality available! Each drop contains 400 mcg of the exact form of true nascent iodine your body needs for maximum and efficient function.
The RDA for iodine is 150 mcg. However, our research and experience shows that the vast majority of the population is so severely depleted in nascent iodine that a much higher dose is better for most people.
Our Nascent Iodine is very easy to take TOPICALLY: simply drop the recommended dose on your skin, such as the inner wrist, inner elbow, or base of the throat.
Note that Nascent Iodine can be taken orally in drops of water IF you do not have metal fillings. We do NOT recommend taking iodine orally to anyone with metal fillings, because one of its incredible properties is the ability to detox heavy metals (and metal fillings are 50% mercury by weight - would be very wise to research safe removal and replacement!).
Daily Requirement
Even 1 drop of Nascent Iodine per day is better than none! However, our recommendation for healthy people is 1-6 drops of our 400 mcg Nascent Iodine daily. Some of our customers prefer to take up to 20 drops a day!
For Chronic Conditions
If you have a severe sickness, disease, or virus, we recommend 10 drops taken twice a day.
Pregnant and Nursing Mothers
4-8 drops of our 400 mcg Nascent Iodine daily
1 drop of our 400 mcg Nascent Iodine daily

Do you have a question you don't see addressed here?
Do you have a question you don't see addressed here?
Though there are numerous forms of iodine and many supplements available, they are NOT created equal. Many "iodine" products on the market are actually potassium iodide with a "d", and the body must use energy to break it down into useable components.
The body recognizes nascent iodine as the ideal type of iodine it needs, and no energy is wasted converting it to useable form. Nascent iodine is quickly absorbed and utilized by the body for metabolism and detoxification.
We offer liquid NASCENT IODINE that is immediately available for the body to absorb and utilize for maximum health!
Each 0.5 oz dropper bottle of The Garden of Eden's Nascent Iodine supplement contains about 750 drops, which can be over a year's supply when taken at the recommended daily dose of at least 1-2 drops on the skin!
Each drop contains 400 mcg of iodine, which our research shows is not only beneficial, but necessary given that such a significant portion of the population is severely deficient in it.
- Mercury.
- Lead-Laced Water In Flint: A Step-By-Step Look At The Makings Of A Crisis.
- Cadmium.
- Arsenic.
- Chlorine.
- Fluoride Articles.
- Bromines: Avoid This If You Want To Keep Your Thyroid Healthy.
- Dr. David Brownstein. Iodine: why you need it, why you can’t live without it. 3rd Edition. Medical Alternatives Press, 2008.
- Iodine Deficiency and Endemic Goiter: A National Tragedy.
- Tina Kaczor, ND. Iodine and Cancer: A Summary of the Evidence to Date. Natural Medicine Journal.
- W. H. Shetaya, S. D. Young, M.J. Watts, E.L. Ander, E. H. Bailey. Iodine dynamics in soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 77, 15 January 2012, Pages 457–473.
- Dr. Mark Sircus. Iodine: Bringing Back the Universal Medicine.
- Mercury.
- Lead-Laced Water In Flint: A Step-By-Step Look At The Makings Of A Crisis.
- Cadmium.
- Arsenic.
- Chlorine.
- Fluoride Articles.
- Bromines: Avoid This If You Want To Keep Your Thyroid Healthy.
archive/2011/03/25/how-to-protect-yourself-from-nuclear-radiation.aspx -
- Dr. David Brownstein. Iodine: why you need it, why you can’t live without it. 3rd Edition. Medical Alternatives Press, 2008.
- Iodine Deficiency and Endemic Goiter: A National Tragedy.
- Tina Kaczor, ND. Iodine and Cancer: A Summary of the Evidence to Date. Natural Medicine Journal.
- W. H. Shetaya, S. D. Young, M.J. Watts, E.L. Ander, E. H. Bailey. Iodine dynamics in soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 77, 15 January 2012, Pages 457–473.
- Dr. Mark Sircus. Iodine: Bringing Back the Universal Medicine.
This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. We take pride in this fact!
We do our very best not only to live our lives well, but to provide the highest standard of sustainability - from the sourcing of our organic products, to storing, to shipping - and we offer the most sustainable products you can buy online!
HERE'S HOW & WHY we use our lifestyle to build a world we want to live in, and why we believe these to be the most full spectrum sustainable products available!